
part of the documenting of the 50th events included interviews with attica brothers, lawyers, family members, and supporters from all over the United states.

Short selections from the interviews are presented here.

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  • Attica Historian Bruce Jackson

    Attica Historian Bruce Jackson

    Historian and sociologist Bruce Jackson has been a longtime friend and supporter of several of the Attica Brothers. Jackson also had deep relationships with several of the lawyers who committed their lives to the Attica Brothers, and has been documenting the Attica Family for more than 50 years in photographs, audio recordings, and film.

  • Attica Brothers supporter Carol Dudek

    Attica Brothers supporter Carol Dudek

    Carol Dudek worked as an office assistant in Attica Lawyer Elizabeth Fink's office, the heart of the civil litigation effort. Dudek met dozens of Attica Brothers and worked with many of the key figures in the lawsuit against New York, including Big Black.

    In this video she talks about the experience of working with Fink and the Attica Brothers, and the environment around the office.

  • Former Attica inmate Eddie LeShure

    Former Attica inmate Eddie LeShure

    Eddie LeShure was in Attica prison in the months leading up to the rebellion and part of conversations that eventually helped bring structure to the events in D yard. In this video he talks about the importance of the phrase Attica is All of Us, and how we can come together to support our incarcerated neighbors.

  • Movement Lawyer Flint Taylor

    Movement Lawyer Flint Taylor

    Flint Taylor was a lawyer with the People's Law Office in Chicago, affiliated with the National Lawyer's Guild and Attica Brothers Legal Defense. In this video Taylor talks about working with Fred Hampton and the importance of fighting for racial justice, at Attica and nationwide.

  • Movement Lawyer Jeff Haas

    Movement Lawyer Jeff Haas

    Jeff Haas was one of the co-founders of the People's Law Office in Chicago and a supporter of the Attica Brothers legal effort. In this video he talks about what it meant to be a radical lawyer in an age of rebellion.

  • Attica family member Josh Melville

    Attica family member Josh Melville

    Melville is the son of Attica Brother and radical organizer Sam Melville who was murdered by New York State Police officer Vincent Tobia during the retaking of Attica prison on September 13, 1971. In this video Melville describes how he uncovered the details of his fathers murder.

  • Attica Observer Lewis Steele

    Attica Observer Lewis Steele

    Lewis Steele was one of the observers who went into D yard during the weekend to try to negotiate a settlement between the Attica Brothers and the state. In this video he describes the collection of the observer teams and what he witnessed when he went inside the walls.

  • Attica Daughter Emani Davis

    Emani Davis is the daughter of Attica Brothers Jomo Davis and Attica Lawyer Elizabeth Gaynes. In this video she talks about growing up in a family of radical thinkers and her experience with her dad.

    This interview is from the Attica is All of Us events in 2021 that marked the 50th anniversary of the rebellion. For more videos please go to the Attica Brothers Foundation YouTube page.