Pat Handlen worked with Attica Brothers Legal Defense on the trials of Attica Brothers for bogus charges related to the Attica Prison rebellion. In this video she talks about the lasting legacy of the work between the Brothers and the Lawyers, and what we can learn from their efforts today.
Martin Stolar has represented protestors and other dissidents from the very beginning of his career, and has been involved with the National Lawyers Guild for nearly as long. In this video Stolar talks about his work organizing lawyers with the Guild to represent radical clients including the Attica Brothers.
Margaret Ratner-Kunstler was part of Attica Brothers Legal Defense and the effort to get bogus charges against the Attica Brothers dismissed. In this video she talks about the movement work she was doing before the Attica rebellion and how it impacted her work on Attica.
Mara Siegel was an anti-racist activist in 1971 who protested outside Attica Prison during the rebellion and was inspired by the lawyers of Attica Brothers Legal Defense to pursue a legal career. In this video she talks about meeting people like Michael Deutsch and Frank 'Big Black' Smith.
Lennox Hinds was a member of the National Conference of Black Lawyers and part of the early organizers of Attica Brothers Legal Defense. In this video Hinds talks about the urgency of forming defense groups when the state filed bogus charges against the men who had been in D yard.
Stainthorp worked with both Attica Brothers Legal Defense in New York and the People's Law Office in Chicago doing radical movement work in the courtroom. In this video he talks about what he learned from working with the Attica Brothers and ABLD, and the ongoing need for work of this kind.
Heath was still in law school during the Attica Prison rebellion, so he knew what he wanted to work on when he got out. In this video Heath talks about scrambling to pull together a team to defend the Attica Brothers against bogus allegations after the retaking of Attica Prison.
Emily Goodman was a young lawyer in 1971 and one of the first people into the prison after the retaking by State Police. In this video she talks about the difficulty they had in seeing the Brothers, and the intimidation they felt from guards at the prison.
Elizabeth Gaynes was a lawyer for the Attica Brothers and eventually married Jomo Davis. In this video she talks about the intimidation and surveillance she dealt with from state police during Jomo's trials.
Daniel Alterman was a young radical lawyer in 1971, and one of the first people in Attica Prison after the retaking. In this video he talks about the importance of living the phrase "Attica is All of Us" and how it is still impacting his life today.
Lawyer Dan Pachoda was part of the legal team that came together to defend the Attica Brothers from thousands of bogus charges that came down after the retaking of Attica Prison. In this clip he talks to interviewer Daniel Alterman about arguing with State officials over the treatment of their clients.
Attorney Bob Boyle talks about his relationship with Attica Brother Frank "Big Black" Smith, and what it was like working with the close-knit Attica Family.
Dan Meyers was part of the team that pursued civil litigation against the state for the retaking of Attica Prison, helping put the Attica Brothers on offense. In this video he explains the decisions that led to the settlement in 2001, and how the deck had been stacked against them by the state.
This interview is from the Attica is All of Us events in 2021 that marked the 50th anniversary of the rebellion. For more videos please go to the Attica Brothers Foundation YouTube page.
Michael Deutsch has been part of the People's Law Office in Chicago for most of his career, and was a key figure in the successful 25-year civil suit against the state of New York. In this video he talks about the legal strategy of ABLD and some of the Attica Brothers who he came to know and love.
This interview is from the Attica is All of Us events in 2021 that marked the 50th anniversary of the rebellion. For more videos please go to the Attica Brothers Foundation YouTube page.